The Research Group Molecular epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology developed by merging molecular biology into epidemiological studies. We use comparative genomic approaches to study how epidemiological processes determine the genetic diversity of circulating viral pathogens. Molecular epidemiology is an applied science. We are interested in how analysis of viral genomic data can better inform efforts of disease control. The work that we do is highly collaborative in nature. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has strengthened our resolve to work closely with public health departments to support their efforts to monitor the pandemic through genomic sequence analysis. In addition we have worked closely with partners to monitor pathogens in wild and domestic animals, investigate spillover events with pandemic potential and novel develop methods and approaches to understand the underlying drivers of viral disease emergence, spread and persistence.
This work has been continously funded since 2013 from NIH-NIAID, the CDC and NSF. Our group is always recruiting talented and enthusiastic PhD and Post-doctoral trainees. Contact justin dot bahl at uga.edu for more information.
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